  • "Paperless Printable" items are for select invitations ONLY. All other party items are hand made to order and fully assembled, unless otherwise noted.
  • Some Invitations not available in "Paperless Printable" form.
  • The Paperless Printable images are perfect for printing at home, emailing to friends and family, or bringing/uploading to a professional printer or photo-finisher.

    Every Paperless Printable image includes the following:
    • JPEG or PDF file for printing - You Choose 1
    • Text revisions, as necessary in allotted space
    • Up to 2 proofs with 1 text change included
    • Single sided invitation - Front only

    The JPEG comes with the front side of the invitation in an exact measurement (5" X 7" or 7" X 5") with no bleed/trim marks.
  • JPEG files are great for emailing or taking to some - but not all - photo finishers.
  • If you decide to take your JPEG file to a 3rd party print service, make sure they are able to accept this file type and size (with no restrictions) before purchasing.
  • Any bleed/trim marks,sizing changes, or special specifications requested are considered a premium service and extra fees will apply.
  • We recommend using the highest quality paper, ink, and printer possible. Poor quality printer/paper/ink will produce a substandard result.

    The PDF file comes with 2 invitations/announcements per page with trim marks for cutting.
  • PDF files are great for printing at home using the highest quality paper, printed and ink available. Poor quality printer/paper/ink will produce a substandard result.
  • There are no changes are permitted to the PDF file - It's open and print ONLY - It's a flattened file with no layers or editing permitted.
  • You may have to edit your printer/computer margins to make a successful printed copy.
  • If you select PDF as your final format, you must open and print the document using Adobe Acrobat Reader (free version available online) or Adobe Acrobat Pro ONLY.
  • Your PDF document is not permitted to open with Photoshop, Illustrator, or any other program that supports editing capabilities.
  • We do not provide any technical support for opening or printing the document and the buyer is solely responsible for all printing results.
  • A positive result is best achieved using the proper Adobe software program, having the highest quality materials available, allotting enough time for the printing process, and having good experience printing a PDF file.

    All orders are filled in the order received. Please provide your party information in full at checkout in the "Note to Seller" section or simply Contact Us.
  • Turnaround time begins when all party information is provided.
  • Once we have received your information, we will go to work customizing your party invitation/announcement.
  • Please provide your photo (if applicable) to boogiebearinvitations@yahoo.com.  

    All wording is customizable so long as it fits in the allotted space.
  • Extra text not part of the original design, such as directions, 2 RSVP contacts, or any extra lines of text that won't fit will cost extra.

    All proofs will be sent within 24-48 hours via email to the address associated with your account. Please look over every proof carefully for errors.
  • You may approve the proof or request a change. 2 proofs with changes included with purchase, and additional changes after that are $6.00 for an additional round of 2 proofs.
  • All proofs must be approved via email before we will provide the final image. The final image choices are JPEG and PDF only - You choose one.
  • If you request one format (such as PDF), but later realize you need the other format option (such as JPEG), it's no trouble, but will incur an extra charge.
  • If you need both the PDF and JPEG formats Contact Us for pricing.

    Please provide all text info and photo (if applicable) within 24 hours of purchase.
  • If you need more time, just let us know, or we may cancel the order.
  • No cancellations or refunds once we've begun making your order.
  • If you've provided the party information at checkout, but then not responded to our email proof conversation via email within 2 business days, we will send another email attempting to make contact.
  • If we still have not received any response within 24 hours of that email, then we will send your final image to you - "as is" JPEG file with no watermark - which will complete your order with us.
  • It is the responsibility of the buyer to be available for email correspondence and provide timely responses to our email requests to ensure a positive buying experience.

    If you plan on purchasing a paperless printable to have it printed by a third party (including yourself), you are solely responsible for making sure that the format (JPEG or PDF) and sizing meets your third party requirements.
  • If you need any bleed/trim marks, sizing, color change, or any other printing changes, this is a premium service and additional charges will apply.
  • The paperless printable option is a service offered for those who are familiar with the formats offered, and can open, support, and print these formats.
  • Please ask your third party service if they can accept the sizing and file types available prior to purchasing.

    Boogie Bear Invitations offers printing services, and is NOT responsible for second and third party printing
  • Any problems with alignment, spacing, color, format, computer program support, or any other issues regarding printing from second and third parties.
  • Troubleshoot margin and color problems on your computer and printer to achieve the appropriate final product.

Boogie Bear Invitations Oval Logo
Boogie Bear Invitations Oval Logo will NOT appear on final product
The symbol may appear on the back side of centerpiece sticks, favor tags, and select other items
Boogie Bear Invitations Signature
Boogie Bear Invitations Signature WILL appear on back of all printed products


• We offer paperless printable items for select invitations and announcements ONLY
• You will NOT receive any printed products or envelopes with the Paperless Printable option
• We are unable to provide support for printing your paperless file
• The Paperless Printable option comes with the front side of the invitation only
• Not all invitations are available as "Paperless Printable" due to copyright restrictions regarding the artwork
• Color, font, size, and other design changes available for an additional design fee
• We provide printing services should you decide on a professional finish and double sided product
• We do NOT sell blank or un-personalized Paperless Printable items
• No cancellations permitted once payment has been received

We encourage friendly inspiration gathering, however all products are for personal use only.

Commercial use, file sharing, or re-selling the design in its whole, or any part is not allowed, and in violation of copyright laws.

This includes ANYONE requesting ANYONE else to reproduce ANY design or product in its whole or any part of ANY Boogie Bear Invitations product.

This also includes any attempt to scan/copy/print/email/reproduce products for any financial gain or to "save money" by creating other party items from any Boogie Bear Invitations product.

All Boogie Bear photos are the SOLE property of Boogie Bear Invitations and are NOT permitted for ANY use without Boogie Bear Invitations expressed written permission.

©Boogie Bear Invitations - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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